Choosing A Water Supplier

In Scotland, businesses have had the freedom to choose their water supplier for the last 9 years—and from April 2017, businesses in England and Wales have been allowed to follow suit. This offers more competition in the markets, and this control over supply should be greatly beneficial to businesses, but just how easy is it to choose a water supplier?

Finding the best deal

The main benefit of being able to choose your own water supplier is that businesses are now able to secure a competitive rate, which may mean saving money in the long term. With more water companies competing for business and across a larger area, you could find yourself with a huge variety of water suppliers to choose from.

This can also prove daunting in terms of trying to work out the going rate, examining the deal terms and length and what could prove to be the most suitable offer in terms of both cost and needs of the company.


This is where a procurement specialist could come in useful. Water procurement experts can analyse your specific business situation and advise on whether your site could benefit from switching. At Boxfish, we carry out an initial free review to assess a business’ particular needs, and to identify where savings could be made.

We then scour the market to find the best possible deal to match your circumstances, taking the groundwork and effort off your plate. Additionally, if your organisation has to comply to things like OJEU or other procurement frameworks, we can take on this process for you—saving you time and money.

Ongoing savings

We can also work with you to ensure ongoing savings. This can be done through a water consumption review, offering advice and tips on how to reduce or best manage your consumption. Additionally, we monitor the markets to know exactly when could be the best time for you to switch supplier.

Our billing management service, if required, can also help with ongoing cost reduction. Here we monitor bills for discrepancies and can even look into historical billing to ensure no overpayments have been made. As part of this service, we can also take on supplier disputes for you if we feel there are significant costs to be recovered.


Fill in the form or call us on 0141 226 8525 to get your free, no-obligation review.